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Spartan News

Traffic Letter

We prioritize one thing: THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILDREN All cars entering NE 107th Street must be registered on SchoolPass AND display one of the following dashboard cards provided by the Lower School:

M, T, W, & F: 2:30 PM
TH: 2:10 PM
Parent/driver enters at 2:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday and at 2:10pm on Thursday to pick up students ONLY in PK3, JK4, & SK5.
M, T, W, & F: 2:50 PM
TH: 2:30 PM
Parent/driver enters at 2:50pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday and at 2:30pm on Thursday to pick up PK3-5th students ONLY.
M, T, W, & F: 3:20 PM
TH: 3:00 PM
Parent/driver enters at 3:20pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday and at 3:00pm on Thursday to pick up PK3-5th students with a sibling in Middle and/or Upper School.

*Dashboard cards will be mailed to the mailing address on your MyCountryDay profile. Please ensure your address is updated.

Important Safety Information:
• The County will not allow us to have a school-related traffic queue onto NE 6th Avenue. We love our neighbors so PLEASE do not park on side streets or commercial property.
• Please do not enter 107th street prior to your time. Police officers will request that you turn around and re-queue. Please plan your arrival time accordingly.
• There is no pedestrian access through the gates at the Lower School Turnaround at any time. Please always remain in your vehicle.
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