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Spartan News

Did You Know?

An update from April 23, 2020
Starting this week, student leaders in SGA, Peer Counselors, and CAUSE have come together to create a new addition to our advisory program. They are producing daily short videos based on spreading awareness about challenges faced around the world. In their words, “Staying home looks different for all of us, and we need to be sensitive to those whose experiences are especially challenging. While it is helpful to look for the positives, it is important to stay informed and look for ways we can help others.” Their series, Did You Know?, culminates in a call to action during extended advisories on Fridays with ways to get involved. I am so proud of the student leaders as they take charge of educating themselves, their peers, and their community! This week’s videos included:
Jack F. - Hungry Children
Abigail C. – Healthcare Workers and their Families
MariaPia O. - COVID-19 and the Impact in Latin American Countries
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