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Spartan News

Middle School Model UN

Miami Country Day's motto; Every Student Every Day was exhibited by Model UN in this week's event.
The Middle School Model United Nations Team (Model UN) sent 14 members to participate in the Foundations for Leadership Conference at Miami Dade College. It was an incredible opportunity for our students to attend and interact with school communities.
Model UN provides students with opportunities outside of the classroom to develop lifelong skills such as negotiation, public speaking, critical thinking, and how to respect others’ views. The concept behind Model UN is that students develop these skills and are then able to be active participants in the world. Model UN supports the ‘whole child’ approach and continued learning outside of the classroom, which aligns with Country Day’s Every Student. Every Day moto.
Congratulations to the Middle School Model UN team who walked away from the weekend with three awards:
General Assembly, the Cuba delegation: Renan and Honorable Mention: Nikolas
ITU, the Cuba delegation: Harry and Outstanding Diplomat: Felipe
UNDP, the Cuba delegation: Outstanding Diplomat: Maria
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