X-Term Honduras

Students traveled to Honduras over Thanksgiving Break!
In 2013, Glen Turf created the Miami Country Day GATEway program. The idea behind the program is to challenge student’s perspectives of the world both inside and outside of the classroom. Country Day students have the opportunities to enroll in these educational programs around the world under the supervision of faculty and staff.
Over Thanksgiving Break, 34 students and six faculty members traveled to the Nuevo Paraíso Orphanage in Honduras with “X-Term Fall into Service – Honduras.” Their purpose was to help pave roads in the community while and spending time with the children who live in the orphanage. The site needed $3,000 in order to complete the road project. However, “X-Term Fall into Service – Honduras” surpassed the initial goal and raised over $11,000 for the Nuevo Paraíso Orphanage and the road project!
This was the first year Country Day students and faculty visited Honduras under the GATEway umbrella, however Country Day and Nuevo Paraíso Orphanage have already formed - what will be - a long-term partnership. Junior student Sophia A. ’21 is the reason the GATEway/X-Term Program is in Honduras. Sophia has been volunteering at the orphanage for a number of years and felt that her fellow classmates would benefit from the experience and brought the idea to Glen Turf.
After returning from the experience, one of the student participants, Chole B., share the following with Mr. Turf: “I just wanted to thank you again for such an amazing experience that has truly changed my way of viewing life. X-term has allowed me to go somewhere I never thought I would have ever gone and I am beyond grateful that you and my fellow peers and teachers have given me the opportunity to go on such an amazing trip and have the best experience.”
Junior student, Lorelai K., reflected on her own experience. “This was a once in a life time experience. It was truly amazing and unforgettable. It was eye opening and made me realize how much we take for granted. These kids will forever hold a special place in my heart and I can’t wait to go back!”
Mr. Turf also received dozens of reflections from the participant’s parents, emphasizing the impact the trip to Honduras had on their children.  
“Joel and I just wanted to thank you, and all of the other Country Day teachers, for organizing such an incredible trip to Honduras. Kitty has come home with much to talk about and a keen desire to return next year. She also has a newfound sense of perspective. Perspective not only about how fortunate she is or how fulfilling it is to give, but also the realization that success and happiness in life is not measured by the college attended or the salary attained. It’s a message we’ve been trying to get through for a while but I think Tia Mae managed it much more successfully!” - Carrie
“This experience has added another chamber to my daughter’s heart, filled with empathy and tenderness. Her observations about the children are so touching they brought tears to my eyes and to her grandfather’s. Carolina talks to making cement as one of her biggest accomplishments and tells of the simple pleasures of dancing to a song with the children with the soft sadness that the joy from that energy doesn’t happen as easily for them.” – Amanda
As a community, we are so thankful that we have the ability to provide opportunities such as “X-Term Fall into Service – Honduras” to our students. To learn more about GATEway, visit https://www.miamicountryday.org/programs/gateway.  To learn more about Nuevo Paraíso Orphanage and ways you can help, email Glen Turf at turfg@miamicountryday.org. 
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